Simone Doctors

Independent education consultant , education development

Leeds, United Kingdom

Highly qualified & experienced education specialist with over 30 years' experience in education delivery, planning & policy formulation. Expertise in HR Management and Development, particularly teacher policy, management and development. I speaks and work comfortably in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Capacity building, training, research, M&E, technical assistance, project documentation.

Contact Simone Doctors
Area of Expertise:
  • Capacity Building, Training, Advocacy
  • Communications, Media, Knowledge Management, Editor
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Policy, Research, Analysis
  • Social, Education, Gender, Youth, Child
Professional Experience:

I am a freelance education consultant, currently based in the UK. An education specialist with over 30 years' experience in education delivery, planning and policy formulation, I was based in Mozambique for four years. I have a particular focus on International Development and Human Resource management and development, including teacher policy and teacher management and development, and have worked and travelled extensively in Europe, Africa and Latin America. I speak and am able to work comfortably in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish and also have a working knowledge of German. A former academic, I taught and undertook teacher training and education research at the University of Reims in France for 17 years, before becoming an independent international development consultant.


MA (Distinction) Human Resource Management, Leeds University Business School, UK, 2010
Doctorate (Distinction) Education/Linguistics, University of Reims, France, 2000
Agrégation externe d’anglais (Qualified Teacher Status through French teacher recruitment process), 1996
MA (Distinction) Applied Linguistics, University of Sussex, UK, 1987
BA (2:1) European Studies and German, University of Sussex, UK, 1986


Advanced Monitoring and Evaluation, INTRAC, Oxford, 2011
Graduate Membership of CIPD, Leeds University Business School, 2010
Advanced level Spanish, Instituto Cervantes, Leeds, 2010
Skills for working in development, VSO, Birmingham, 2004
RSA Teaching English as a Foreign Language, International House, London, 1986

Affiliations and Achievements:


Available for:

  • Consulting assignments

Years of Experience:

More than 20 years

Highest Qualification:



English, French, Spanish, Portuguese


United Kingdom