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Miguel Martínez Tuna
Senior Watershed Officer , International non-profit organization
Guatemala, Guatemala
Expert in natural resources managment and environmental sciences with 10 years of experience in Central America. Until December 2012 he worked as Program Officer in an international NGO. Seeking challenging opportunity and professional development.
Currently he is developing as independent consultant.
Send email Contact Miguel Martínez Tuna
Area of Expertise:
  • Agriculture, Livelihoods, Microfinance, Rural
  • Environment, Climate, Energy, Water, Sanitation
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, Policy, Research, Analysis
Professional Experience:
Environmental and Ecological Economist with more than 15 years of experience in research and project administration related to ecosystem management, rural development and economic instruments to improve natural resources governance.

Independent Researcher, Consultant and Lecturer for: the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean –ECLAC-, Central American Institute of Fiscal Studies –Icefi-, World Wilde Life Fund –WWF-, Fundación Prisma (El Salvador), Instituto de Agricultura Recursos Naturales y Ambiente –IARNA- (Guatemala), Rafael Landívar University –URL- (Guatemala), and Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences) – FLACSO- (Guatemala).

From 2013 to 2014 worked for the Central American Institute of Fiscal Studies –Icefi- as senior researcher coordinating the Fiscal Policy, Environment and Development Study Program. This program developed projects related to rural development, extractive industries and green economy. During the program a total of US$ 1,341,000 was fundraised and managed. The position required negotiation with stakeholders at national and regional (Central American) level.

In the period from 2006 to 2012 served as Watershed Officer for the World Wildlife Fund, Mesoamerican Reef Program (WWF-SAM). During the project a total of US$ 1,300,000 was fundraised and managed. Project implementation required interactions with small farmers, agricultural industries, local and national authorities.

From 2003 to March 2006 worked for the Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología Ambiental –ICTA- (Institute of Environmental Science and Technology), Autonomous University of Barcelona as researcher for the ECOMARKETS project. The main responsibilities in this project included analyzing payments for water services schemes and developing seven case studies in Central America.

Other relevant research work, consultancies and academic work developed:
• Fundación Prisma (April –June 2016). Consultant in charge of asessing lessons learned from community forest management in Peru.

• Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean –ECLAC- (September- December 2015). Consultant in charge of developing Methodological proposal to estimate costs of the Guatemalan National Mitigation and Adaptation Plan to Climate Change.

• Agriculture and Natural Resources Institute –IARNA- (Instituto de Agricultura Recursos Naturales y Ambiente) Rafael Landívar University –URL- (February- May 2013). Consultant in charge of the regional evaluation of hydrologic resources and agriculture, with focus on management and adaptation to climate change.

• Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences) –FLACSO- (October 12-20 2005). Professor in charge of developing the module: Analysis of experiences in environmental evaluation and environmental management. Specialization course in environmental economy (at postgraduate level).

• Instituto de
PhD, Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain (2008)

M.S., Environmental Sciences, with emphasis on Ecological Economics and Environmental Management from Autonomous University of Barcelona, Cataluña, Spain (2005)

M.A., Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management from Rafael Landívar University in Guatemala (2003)

B.S. (Licenciatura), Agronomical Engineer in Natural Renewable Resources from San Carlos University of Guatemala (1999)


-) Martínez Tuna. M. 2008. ¿Mercados de servicios ambientales? Análisis de tres experiencias de pagos por servicios ambientales en Centroamérica. April 2008, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Ph.D. Thesis 208 p. Ph.D. dissertation presented to obtain the degree of Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences.

-) Martínez, M. Kosoy, N. 2007. Compensaciones monetarias y conservación de bosques por servicios ambientales y pobreza en una comunidad rural en Honduras. Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica Vol. 6: 40-51

-) Corbera E.; Kosoy N. and Martinez-Tuna M. 2007. Equity implications of marketing ecosystem services in protected areas and rural communities: Case studies from Meso-America. Global Environmental Change 17: 365-380

-) Kosoy, N. Martínez Tuna, M. Muradian, R. Martínez-Alier, J. 2007. Payments for Environmental Services in Watersheds: Insights from a comparative study of three cases in Central America. Ecological Economics. Vol 61. p 446-455

-) Martínez, Tuna, M. ¿Mercado o ilusión? Esquema de pago por servicios ambientales –PSA- en Jesús de Otoro, Honduras. September 2005, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Master Thesis 126 p. Master dissertation presented to obtain the degree of Master in Environmental Sciences with emphasis on Ecological Economics and Environmental Management

-) Méndez, Barrios, J. C, Martínez, Tuna, M. Environmental profile of Guatemala: Informe sobre el estado del ambiente y bases para su evaluación sistemática. Chapter: Relaciones entre economía y ambiente y uso de los recursos naturales en Guatemala. 2004. Rafael Landívar University, Environmental Advocacy Institute. pp. 311-326.

-) Martínez, Tuna, M. Aplicación del concepto de contabilidad ambiental en la subcuenca de los ríos Xaya-Pixcayá. May 2003, Rafael Landívar University. 82 p

-) Martínez, Tuna, M. Valoración económica del agua en la ciudad de Guatemala. FLACSO, 2002. 154 p

-) Martínez, Tuna, M. Valoración económica parcial del agua en la ciudad de Guatemala: una alternativa para su sostenibilidad. Ambiente y Sociedad Journal, FLACSO 2002 pp 8-11

-) Martínez, Tuna, M. Valoración económica de los bienes y servicios que prestan las fincas San Jerónimo y Santa Victoria (Fase I). Ciencia Forestal Journal, National Forest Institute (Guatemala) pp. 15

-) Martínez, Tuna, M. Valoración económica de los bienes y servicios que prestan las fincas San Jerónimo y Santa Victoria (Fase II). Ciencia Forestal Journal, National Fores
Affiliations and Achievements:
-) Member of the Environmental Advocacy Institute (Instituto de Incidencia Ambiental)
-) Member of the Mesoamerican Society of Ecological Economics (Red Mesoamericana de Economía Ecologica)
-) Member of the Spanish Residence Association in Guatemala

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    Years of Experience:
    10-15 years
    Highest Qualification:
    English, Spanish
    Guatemala , Spain
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