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Mark McCaffrey
Consultant , Climate and Global Change Literacy and Capacity Building
Kisbagyon, Hungary
Provide guidance and leadership into developing and deploying education, communications and outreach efforts related to climate and related global change challenges on local, regional, national and international scales. Author of "Climate Smart & Energy Wise: Advancing Science Literacy, Knowledge and Know-how" published by Corwin Press, September 2014. Survey and evaluation expertise.
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Area of Expertise:
  • Capacity Building, Training, Advocacy
  • Communications, Media, Knowledge Management, Editor
  • Director, CEO, COP, President
  • Environment, Climate, Energy, Water, Sanitation
  • Fundraising, Business Development, Grants Writer
Professional Experience:
My professional experience has affored me the opportunity to work closely with top water and climate scientists and educators from around the world, and to help forge networks of professionals on local to global scales, developing strategies to translate and make accessible scientific research and data for education, communications and outreach audiences.

In the 1980s and 90s my focus was on water as an integrating theme for education and public engagement. I published Waterwise: the Wet Gazette, and later led the Boulder Creek Watershed Initiative and BASIN project, which modeled a watershed-based approach to community information and engagement.

Starting in 2001, my focus turned more to climate and I worked for ten years with top scientists from around the world as an Associate Scientist at the University of Colorado at Boulder. From 2011 to 2015, I led climate change education efforts at the National Center for Scence Education, initiating a national survey of secondary science educators to learn whether and how they teach climate change.

An aspirational goal I have set for myself is to promote the transformation of the world's three million schools into safe, sustainable, inspiring living laboratories that are community hubs of innovation and engagement, using water, food, renewable energy and energy efficiency as interdisciplinary and integrating themes for learning the skills and insights required for the challenges of the 21st Century and beyond.
With a Masters in Education Leadership and Policy Studies focusing on enviromental education, particularly water and climate-related issues, I have taught at the undergraduate and graduate level, lead professional development programs for educators, as well as surveyed, interviewed and evaluated resource managers, educators, and other key professionals.

I have published in peer reviewed journals, been quoted in leading publications including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and Nature Climate Change, and have given numerous presentations in the U.S. and internationally.

I have been involved with international efforts such as the International Polar Year and the UNFCCC's Action for Climate Empowerment. In the United States I helped lead the development of CLEAN-- the Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network-- and helped set the stage for the White House's Climate Education and Literacy Initiative.

Affiliations and Achievements:
It has been said that if you are planning for one year, plant grain. If you are planning for ten years, plant trees. If you are planning for a hundred years, educate children. Since the actions we take (or don't take) in the coming years and decades will have lasting impact for thousands of years to come, we need to do all of the above. But above all, we must inform and engage society to develop adequate responses to global changes at local and regional scales by transforming schools and communities into living laboratories of innovation and resilience.
Available for:
  • Consulting assignments
  • Job opportunities
  • Being headhunted – make me an offer

    Years of Experience:
    More than 20 years
    Highest Qualification:
    English, Spanish
    United States
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